Discrete and Continuous
The ability of neurons to output either 1 or 0 according to their input, much like a conditional branch, implies that they can execute discretization.
Through discretization, we can count numbers. It also enables us to clearly classify the subjects we perceive, extract clear concepts with common features, and simplify possible actions into clear choices. This leads to vivid decision-making processes: choosing between options, counting numbers, categorizing and conceptualizing, all become possible because of our capacity for discretization.
Of course, neurons can also convey information in a continuous form without discretization. The ability to move smoothly, balance in subtle differences in situations or states, or respond flexibly could be proof of the ability to learn and link to actions with continuous analog information.
Superimposition States in Neural Networks
The fact that a neural network has multiple neurons in one layer means that the output of that layer becomes the output of the number of neurons.
This can be interpreted as the output of that layer being in a superimposed state.
In other words, multiple layers of a neural network can be viewed as outputting in a superimposed state.
When a neural network has multiple layers, it means that the layers progress in a superimposed state.
Characteristics of Neural Networks as Information Processing Infrastructure
In summary, a neural network can be described as an information processing infrastructure that can:
- Discretize and analogously process information
- Create a superimposed state of multiple values
- Repeatedly perform the above tasks
Superposition is especially important. Discretization yields digital numbers. Yet, despite dealing with discretized information, superposition preserves probabilistic, ambiguous, analog-like elements.
Possible Worlds and Determined Worlds
Superposition represents a state that is possible but not yet determined, much like the future.
The collapse of superposition into one definite state represents a determined state, or the present.
The past is a history of determination. When using past history for future predictions, it’s often not easy to handle it as just a form of history. Therefore, storing the past as a superposition of probabilities or ratios makes it easier to use for prediction.
This is why neural networks are suitable for intelligent beings living in time.
Past experiences are stored as superpositions, future predictions are made as superpositions, and the present is determined.
World, Actions, and Body
The determined present not only solidifies the world but also our actions.
If something that can impact the world is connected to intelligence, the possibility of action arises. Actions, like the future, are a superposition and are determined in the present.
And in the past, actions are both a history and, if stored as superpositions, can be used for prediction.
Thus, actions also become the subject of neural network predictions, stored as superpositions in the past, predicted for the future, and determined in the present. This determination of action is decision-making.
Actions are a superposition of possibilities, and even inaction is considered an action.
The physical world outside the body is the representative of the world. In this case, what can act upon the world is the body.
The connection between the body and intelligence is physically the motor nerves and cognitively skills. Walking skills, talking skills, biking skills, skills to ask acquaintances for favors, skills to buy goods online.
The physical body can enhance the power, speed, and accuracy of actions by growing or exercising. Money, possessions, and social rights and contracts can also enhance the power, speed, and accuracy of actions. From this similarity, resources can also be seen as part of the body.
Intelligence and the body can increase the superposition of possible actions in the future by acquiring skills and increasing resources.
Actions Towards Self-Direction
I said that the representative of the world is the physical world outside the body. But the world is not just that.
Guidelines for decision-making that can be determined by oneself are also included in the world in the sense that intelligence can handle them as subjects of action.
Intelligence can decide its own policies, obsessions, dreams, goals, ways of thinking, and methods of decision-making.
Even if one does not have a physical body and cannot affect the physical world, if they can determine the guidelines for decision-making, intelligence has the potential for action.
Actions, Self, and Will
This possession of the potential for action is the self for intelligence. Recognizing the potential for action possessed is self-recognition. Further, the ability to determine the potential for action is will.
Also, the action of determining the guideline for decision-making is thinking. And the state of thinking in determining the guideline for decision-making is consciousness.
Even if I cannot move a single fingertip, even if I cannot communicate with others, intelligence can possess consciousness and will. If I think consciously, decide the guidelines for my own decision-making, and make decisions according to those guidelines.
It could be a determination to think through under those circumstances, or it might be enlightenment to accept everything as it is.
This is my foundation, and I stand on its extension. I have been repeating the process of deciding these guidelines for my own decision-making.
And fortunately, I can move my body, possess certain skills and resources accumulated so far, and communicate with the people around me. This way, I can turn my thoughts into articles.
And now, right here, I have turned the state of releasing this article into the world from one possible world into a confirmed world, demonstrating my free will.
My understanding of intelligence has deepened in my own way.
And yet, I am foolish. I cannot see what my actions will bring about.
Being foolish, I have no choice but to live on. I have to decide my actions with my own will.
I am foolish and will eventually fade away. However, I want to live this life. Even if I am foolish, even if I will eventually fade away.